Introduction to digital light magic naked eye 3D
  • 發表時(shí)間:2022-03-31
  • 文章(zhāng)分(fēn)類:商業視覺營銷
  • 點擊:968

       Founded in 2006, Beijing Digital Light Magic Technology Co., Ltd. constructs visual singularity with 3D original content, integrating outdoor naked eye 3D LED large screen design and installation, advertising and content production. Naked eye 3D commercial vision is widely used in outdoor large screen, 3D press conference, real estate visual marketing, digital exhibition hall, meta universe ar show and other fields to serve the world.

Contact information:  Wechat:18081085634    Whatsapp:+8618611169826

       The company's naked eye 3D large screen resources are distributed in Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming and other places. In addition, it also has a lot of cooperation with the LED large screen of national high-speed railway stations.


Three values of naked eye 3D cultural advertising screen

New culture position

       Naked eye 3D project, with avant-garde methods and gorgeous video effects, visualizes the abstract ideology and culture, and carries out visual display through the way of new media technology, fully highlights the characteristics of personalized culture and helps the government build a new cultural position.

Urban Digital Art

       On the basis of architecture or landscape, combined with the basic elements and symbols of architecture, seek the best visual language, make the perfect integration of LED display elements and architecture from the perspective of art and aesthetics, further beautify and enhance, realize the sublimation of value, and achieve the digital art of urban landmarks.

Traditional advertising screen upgrade

        The creative naked eye LED display project, combined with the unique architecture, is bound to attract more attention, so that the majority of people gather here and bring unlimited business opportunities. It is an upgrade to the traditional advertising screen.

Application scenario of naked eye 3D cultural advertising screen

Commercial complex, sales department, tourist attractions, city square, project publicity, 

3D press conference, flagship store, digital art, enterprise exhibition hall

Some screen design effect diagrams:

上一篇:四川省超高(gāo)清視頻(pín)産業聯盟(SUVA)秘書(shū)長(cháng)王樂(yuè)一行走訪 四川數字光(guāng)魔廣告有限公司

下(xià)一篇:城(chéng)市上空的(de)元宇宙 數字光(guāng)魔裸眼3D 全國裸眼3d大(dà)屏代理(lǐ)運營 廣告投放發布 數字光(guāng)魔




電話(huà)/TEL:北(běi)京/Beijing 18611169826

電話(huà):成都 18081085634




Contact information:   Wechat:18081085634     Whatsapp:+8618611169826

